30% year-on-year growth! 2.6GW of photovoltaic installed capacity in Germany in the first quarter of 2023

According to a research report recently released by the Bundesnetzagentur, Germany installed 2.6GW of photovoltaic systems in the first quarter of 2023 (Q1), a 30% increase from 2GW in the same period last year. From a quarter on quarter basis, there was a 62.5% increase compared to the 1.6GW photovoltaic system installed in the fourth quarter of 2022.
The slowdown in the growth of renewable energy installed capacity in the second half of 2022 has prompted the German government to raise the electricity bill ceiling. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Germany's efforts in installing renewable energy power generation facilities further stimulated the fossil fuel crisis.
Last year, the decrease in interest among renewable energy developers in German development projects had a negative impact on all photovoltaic and wind power auctions in the country. As a result, the German parliament approved the Federal Network Agency to increase the electricity bill limit in January this year.
A recent round of photovoltaic auctions in Germany received oversubscription, resulting in a total of 347 bids with a total installed capacity of 2.87GW. Among them, the total installed capacity of ground mounted photovoltaic systems and non building photovoltaic systems tendered was 1.95GW.
Last December, the bidding for the photovoltaic system of the 202MW building and soundproof wall did not receive sufficient subscription. The cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic systems in Germany to date is 69.1GW.
In the first quarter of 2023, Bavaria led the German photovoltaic market with a 617MW photovoltaic system; Next is North Rhine Westphalia, with an installed capacity of 443MW; Subsequently, the state of Baden Wurttemberg has an installed capacity of 400MW.
Before the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Germany was the largest importer of Russian natural gas. Since the outbreak of the conflict, Germany has been at the center of the European energy crisis.
In order to meet the energy needs of its vast industrial sector, Germany is currently leading Europe in the transition to renewable energy.

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